FC Neustadt - Platzbelegung
Trainingstermin freigeben am 07.02.2025
FCN - C117:00 - 18:00TrainingSportzentrum - Platz 1 (KR) - vorn
FCN - E217:30 - 19:00TrainingSportzentrum - Platz 2 - vorn

my $Param={

[main:: 66 ] Cookies: session_id=;called_from=;pb_datum=;pb_id=;pb_scrid=

main (line 77 ):UID: LogName= UL:0 PageAccess= SQL=

main ( 80 ):UserLevel:0 Projekt-ID=

[ funktionen_login::project_data :: 1351 ] ProjectID=2 selectecd by default project

[ funktionen_login::addScreenResourceOrganization :: 1629 ] ProjectSpecificAccess: 1

main ( 105 ):ProjectID=2

[ belegung_rmod_ms::resource_hash 1180 ] SQL=SELECT resource_list.ID AS PitchID,resource_list.Name AS ResourceName,LPAD(DisplayOrder,4,'0') AS DisplayOrder,NameShort,ChildOf,ShowOnEmpty,Width,ResourceOwner,resource_list.PBID AS PBID,resource_list.SelectBoxDefault AS SelectBoxDefault,resource_list.SectionID AS SectionID, resource_list.SpielstaetteSpielplan AS SpielstaetteSpielplan FROM resource_list LEFT JOIN schedules ON resource_list.ScheduleID = schedules.ID WHERE schedules.ScheduleName='Platzbelegung' AND PBID=2

[ belegung_rmod_ms::resource_hash 1199 ] SQL=SELECT ResourceID, LPAD(OrderNo,4,'0') AS OrderNo FROM screen_resource_map WHERE PBID=2 AND ScreenID=11 AND ScheduleID=1 AND ShowResource=1

[main:: 138 )] FieldCount:16

[ funktionen_login::pb_header :: 96 ] CookieConfirmedPostCall: 1

[ funktionen_login::pb_header :: 108 ] Environment: PROD Version:18b1b

[ funktionen_login::pb_header :: 109 ] CookieConfirmed: 1 CookieConfirmedPostCall: 1

[ funktionen_login::pb_header :: 110 ] CookieConfirmed: 1 CookieConfirmedPostCall: 1

[ funktionen_login::pb_header :: 111 ] UserID=0

[ funktionen_login::pb_header :: 149 ] Cookie Type: Samesite=Strict Secure=1

[ funktionen_login::pb_header :: 185 ] args-date_cookie:

[ funktionen_login::pb_header :: 206 ] ProjectChanged=

[ funktionen_login::pb_header :: 403 ] CssFile: pb_18b1b.css